Field Day HQ
March 4, 2022

Marching forth: an update on our beta

Today, March 4th, is a very special day: it's the only command in the calendar! And at Field Day, we are doing our part to march forth, as our private beta focused on the Portland metro area is in full swing.

In January, we focused on onboarding nonprofits onto Field Day’s newly live production site. This followed a few months of meetings with nonprofits, describing what we were building and presenting mockups. It was such an exciting and energizing step to get them onto the real deal to create their profiles and group volunteer activities (with now 40+ to discover on Field Day!), watching them interact with the platform, recording screens, hearing immediate thoughts, creating bug tickets. We've gotten such good feedback – it’s definitely true, there’s nothing like getting the product in the hands of users! If you're a nonprofit with a Portland Metro area presence reading this and want to hop on board to learn about the benefits that come with being part of Field Day, please get in touch regarding our beta program.

In parallel, we've worked with our beta customers as they plan their community engagement programs for employees, whether it's a company rolling out Field Day across their employee base or a single team looking to get more involved together. Both approaches suit the way we're building Field Day perfectly. Despite Omicron, these planning sessions never slowed, with teams champing at the bit to get out into the community safely. And indeed...

Teams have been getting out! Several Field Trips (which is what we're calling Team volunteer events scheduled on Field Day) have taken place over the past two weeks with the latest COVID spike easing. Another milestone, another wellspring of rich feedback and inspiration for us. We'll highlight some of these first Field Trips in upcoming posts!

If your team would be interested in piloting Field Day to volunteer with Portland metro area nonprofits, you can head over to the beta page to learn more. And just to reiterate, we are in private beta, which remains limited, but please do reach out. We'd still love to chat.

So there you have it. Nonprofits, companies, teams – we’re all continuing to march forth, doing our parts to make progress, together, for our communities. Much more to come.

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